Heavenly Firearm Training

Many students say they are surprised at how much fun they had and how rewarding their experience with us has been – we believe that is because of our heavenly firearm training vision.

Heavenly Firearm Training - Hawaiian Hang Loose - Elephant Mountain Firearm Training Grand Junction Colorado Masterson
Student from Hawaii makes HANG LOOSE sign after good shooting with IWI 9MM Jericho – Baby Eagle

We enjoyed the challenge of settling the wording of our vision statement and mission statement.  Our approach is great for some people and less of a fit for others.  We strive to make the differences clear – the rest is up to you.

The Elephant Mountain Vision: Heavenly Firearm Training

“To be a consistent & trustworthy source of firearms training that is compatible with all that is heaven-sent and heaven-bound.”

Explanation of Vision Statement – ‘Teaching the Heart of Protection,’ like the effort to be a good parent, is a noble purpose.  People who strive to live life with connection to timeless principle prefer (and may demand) firearm training free from philosophical invasion.

“Think Attack” is common in all areas of defensive capability training – meaning that teaching can contain assertions that convey to the student beliefs and thoughts that may go against better life-way knowledge.  A Think Attack can negatively adjust a life’s course to whatever degree.

You know you are responsible for an amount of protection and you are willing to do your part, but cannot accept information that brings distraction from greater commitments.

Good purposes have a heavenly root as does true philosophy.  At Elephant Mountain we strive to maintain compatibility with the heavenly anchor of all that is good and true and right.  We filter out paranoia and the excesses that commonly come with gun education.  We are a citizen oriented, non-paramilitary group that is geared to provide respectful environments and state of the art & science knowledge.  This is the firearm training you think does not exist! Certified – Insured – Experienced. (Copyright © Elephant Mountain LLC)

heavenly firearm training at elephant mountain of colorado - radiant mountains - masterson

Elephant Mountain Mission Statement:

To serve the individual’s use of the right to defensive arms by teaching the knowledge, skills and philosophy to make one successful and safe.

To treat each client with true respect.

To teach the finer points of gun-fit and home defense and/or concealed carry outfitting.

To avoid spreading fear by maintaining a spirit of goodwill and right understanding, and above all, to do justice to our Maker.

heavenly firearm training at elephant mountain of colorado - masterson

All Contents Copyright © 2009-2017 Elephant Mountain LLC